Heartbleed : upgrade your SSL/TLS servers!


An exploit (it seems to be a very critical one) endanger our informations transmitted on Internet. If you have servers and you administer them, you have risks to be vulnerable with SSL/TLS service.

To explain brievely, a buffer overflow attack (send data in specifical size and format) can give access to data that have been transmitted encrypted to the server.

You can fix it in a simple way, an apt-get update && apt-get upgrade or yum update should do it. Restart services using this library or reboot your server in a doubt with reboot command.

Finally test your server at this address to check you have fixed it.

More informations on Heartbleed bug.


Android Kitkat 4.4.2 available for Samsung Galaxy S4

Finally !

After months of testing and a deployment in certains European countries at first (Poland, Switzerland…), France finally gets Android 4.4.2 update Kitkat for Samsung Galaxy S4.

Personally my device updated with no trouble, we will with time. Some people reported battery of wifi problem since the update, and a 4.4.3 version should fix these problems, but even it doesn’t bring a lot of improvement, it is done for me.

When ability without rooting it to move applications in extern microSD card?

How to enhance geolocation in Piwik

If you decide to use Piwik for you website statistics, here is a procedure to enhance the accuracy of geolocation.

We will configure our Linux server (Debian or Ubuntu) with PECL that is recommended method (only if you have a dedicated server and you can configure it as you want, for a shared one, use PHP method instead).

Connect to it with SSH et install libraries and tools :

apt-get install php-pear php5-geoip php5-dev libgeoip-dev
pecl install geoip

We are going to install the database. When libraries are installed, go to Piwik > Settings > Geolocation, and at the bottom of the page, you can download the free database. If you have an error message, you can download it mannually at this address, you will have to use wget in SSH by example, then move the file in <piwik path>/misc. Think to rename it from GeoLiteCity.dat to GeoIPCity.dat.

Last step is enable it in the server. Library installation probably configured PHP automatically. Modify the needed file (/etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/20-geoip.ini or /etc/php5/conf.d/geoip.ini by example) to get :

geoip.custom_directory=<chemin piwik>/misc

Restart apache, or fpm, or anything else, and go back to Piwik administration, et check PECL that should mention installed in green text.

Piwik GeoIP PECL installé

Think to setup automatic updates (monthly by example) in adding the link above in URL field.

Piwik Configurer les mises à jour automatique GeoIP

If you want to test update, force Piwik cron in going to http://<PIWIK URL>/misc/cron/archive.php?token_auth=<TOKEN> address replacing <TOKEN> by your super user token you will find in Users page.


Ubuntu One is stopping

Here it is, sold out, notthing to see, go! You can read the announce on official blog.

Ubuntu One closes (finally?) his doors. I never bet on it so I am not surprised, or maybe yes, but my only surprise is it lasted as long. Big services as Dropbox, Google Drive, MEGA or my favourite hubiC had the last word.

For years, storage services increased a lot, and I was very surprised to see Ubuntu release one, because you have to run Ubuntu to have a chance to hear it, and even if you knew it, not a lot used it (I was one of them). Why didn’t I use it? Because I was afraid of believing in its sustainability , Ubuntu was for me an OS, and it was (is?) difficult for it to be lucrative, so entrust my data to a service that doesn’t know where to go, not for me.
Then if you have data there, remember to keep them back before July 31.

I will probably explain why I choose hubiC.


What is open source?

Open source, or sharing datas, or source code readable, well… a free software! Oh no no!! Let’s explain it again.Open source doesn’t mean necessarly free. Instead of a boring speech, let’s watch this video which explains it, what it is, origin, how it works and its prejudices.

Have a good time!

Thanks to Korben

First article!

Welcome on my new blog!

Here is first article, yes it has to!
So a new blog? About what? Who am I? Why me?
Well… “hein ??????” (like number one in french but sound like nasal and loud)

Okay, let’s begin:

Who am I?

Jean-Michel, more than 30 years old (I feel a bit old, so I can’t calculate my age, I want to be 20!), living in Picardie in France, in northern France between North and Paris.
IT engineer and now as IT business manager.

About what?

It will contain a lot of different subjects, but mainly about IT. As I said, I am an IT engineer, but computer is a hobby for me. I didn’t think I would be an engineer when I was young, it was when I had my first personal computer and all what I could do with it I wanted to work with them. It will be articles about technologies, tools, tutorials, about my mood, tests, my feedback, a lot of things I want to share.

Why me?

Because I have a certain experience, I met some people, I saw a lot of things, I tested, and I used to search on the Internet to find any feedback, and as my ideology is sharing (my serious and professionalism will do the difference), I want to share my knowledges, if they can be used, or at worst centralize my ideas and searchs and to be able to get them back (how many times I was looking for a script or a commande line, I use it, I lose it, I search it again, but now I write it, I share it, and if I need I know where it is).

A new blog?

Yes again a new blog, I often read blogs, more or less known like Korben or Cyrille Borne (wink at him), I don’t want to copy them, everyone has his own style, I will have my own. I don’t promise anythong about frequency, I know I will have to do a minimum and to write regularly to dynamize it, let’s se it with time, those 2 blogs exist for years, and I think it’s proudly to see time they spend to it and how popular they are now

So let’s see you for next!